Godzilla (2014) Movie Review

The biggest badassed badass is back! But before being back, dat boi was back again. The second shot America had at making a Godzilla movie that wasn't just a re-edit of a real Godzilla movie, "Godzilla" which we always just call Godzilla 2014 was produced by Legendary Pictures in.. well.. 2014. People were concerned obviously, after Tristar's God

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Phantasm III Movie Review

The third philm in the Phantasm phranchise, Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead marks the return of full creative control to Don Coscarelli. As such, it's (blog post) got next to nothing to do with the second movie. Except of course, the return of the 4 barrel shotgun because that thing was awesome.Source: Phantasm III Movie Review - Decker Shado Mor

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Caveman film review

"Caveman" is a 1981 comedy movie directed by Carl Gottlieb and starring Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid, and Shelley Long. The film is a comical retelling of the story of early human civilization, set in a time when human beings lived in caves and count on hunting and gathering for survival. The movie follows the story of Atouk (Ringo Starr), an awkwa

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